Purchasing & Appraisals
I offer the option of outright purchase as well as variety of appraisal services (including free appraisals.) Before scheduling an appraisal, please read the sections below regarding what constitutes an appraisable stamp collection.
Outright Purchase
I’m always looking to buy better United States and Foreign stamp collections, postage, etc. I pay top dollar on the spot and I’m constantly seeking new material. Whether your collections are worth a hundred dollars or thousands of dollars I’m happy to purchase them.
Free Appraisals
I offer several different types of free appraisals. Remember, if I appraise a collection and end up purchasing the collection the Appraisal Fee is waived.
Free Verbal Appraisal
Usually conducted over the phone – is done by verbal consultation where I ask a series of questions based on the information given and arrive at a “ballpark” value. Please read appraisable collection information BEFORE scheduling.
Free In-House Appraisal
I’ll gladly give a free market value appraisal for collections shipped/mailed to my office address for viewing. Please contact me by mail or phone before shipping.
Other Appraisal Services
I travel to appraise better collections. Normal appraisal fees will be charged in addition to reimbursement for expenses. Remember, if I appraise a collection and end up purchasing the collection the Appraisal Fee is waived.
Internet Appraisals
Where the interested party sends scans via email or pages of stamps to be appraised, the scans will be studied and I’ll follow up with a telephone consultation to help determine a “ballpark” market value estimate. If you are unable to send scans, photocopies are acceptable. |
What is an Appraisable Stamp Collection?
Many people receive a stamp collection through an inheritance or some type of estate transfer and have little idea of its value. For the novice, evaluating a large quantity of stamps can be a very overwhelming task; I have listed below a few general guidelines to help the novice determine if his/her holding has enough of a market value to schedule a professional appraisal.
Appraisable Stamp List
Perhaps the easiest way to tell if a stamp collection has a value for appraisal is to answer the basic question, “How much did the collector spend on his/her collection per month, year, or over the years? If the answer was nothing, that the stamps were found and came from letters, then the chance of having a valuable stamp collection is small. Additionally, did the collector spend significant amounts of money on selected stamps or did the collector just purchase large quantities of common stamps to fill spaces in an album?” If someone purchased scarce items for thousands of dollars, chances are they’ve gone up in value. If someone purchased a roomful of common stamps for a thousand dollars, it would not have appreciated in value. Always check invoices and receipts for clues as to the type of material that was collected and the prices paid. Additionally, was the collection insured and can you provide documentation of the policy?
Here are some stamp albums that contain spaces for better stamps; if you have any of these albums and they are fairly full or complete, then you probably have an appraisable collection:
• Any specialized album of a single country or geographic area.
• Scott Specialty Albums
• Scott National Albums
• Lighthouse Hingeless Albums
• Elbe Albums
• Scott International Albums
• Items Purchased from auction companies
• Master Global Albums
• Stanley Gibbons Imperial Albums
• Old (circa pre 1940) albums
• Items purchased that have attached certificates of authenticity from the APS, etc
• Large quantities of mint foreign and United States stamps in sheets
• Older United States and foreign covers (generally letters with stamps
attached or postal history) NO MODERN FIRST DAY COVERS.
Not Appraisable Stamps I purchase all stamp related material including items on the “not appraisable” IF they are also stamps or collections included. I’ll not purchase a holding of items exclusively on the “not appraisable list.” While there are many valuable stamp collections in private hands, most stamp collections are common or in the beginner/hobby category – these collections are fun, educational and put together but usually have little or no significant value.
• Beginner/Hobby Collections – usually put together by children or budget minded collectors consisting of common stamps bought from the post office over the last 60 years or bought in sets or packets from mail order stamp companies.
• Items manufactured by after market companies such as: Gold Plated stamp replicas – singles or on envelopes. Items by such companies as the American Commemorative Society, Postal Commemorative Society, Franklin Mint, Heirloom Collection, etc. These types of products come in large albums with fancy binders and elaborate pictures. They have no resale value.
• First Day Covers – issued by postal services over the last 60 years have little or no resale value.
• Stamp supplies or empty albums.
• Commemorative panels and souvenir pages by the USPS.
• Common correspondence of the last 60 years.
• Accumulations of mostly used stamps of the last 70 years in envelopes or boxes, even if carefully organized.
• Collections in Harris Albums (Statesman, Ambassador, Pioneer, etc)
• United Nations Stamp Collections
The preceding list is not all inclusive, it should give you a rough idea of what you have and can help you determine if an appraisal is justifiable.